About Us

PI PharmaImage supports clinical researchers from academia and private institutions with the necessary expertise and guidance to conduct unicentric or multicentric clinical studies (Phase-I-IV). In an increasingly complex clinical research environment, PI PharmaImage offers support with: international fund raising/contract acquisition, editing of grant applications/study protocols, study design and study set-up, ethics application, regulatory issues, data collection, monitoring and data-analyses. One of our core competences is the implementation of biomarker solutions (imaging, physiological, molecular) including data analysis in the context of clinical studies. Since its inception, PI PharmaImage has been working closely together with academic institutions (University Hospital Düsseldorf, Charité – University Medicine Berlin) and traditional clinical research organizations (CROs) in Germany and abroad: including Hammersmith Medicines in London, the Charité Research Organization in Berlin, NUVISAN Pharma Services in Ulm, FOCUS Drug Development in Neuss, and JSW Life Sciences in Austria. So far, contract research and consulting has been conducted for international pharmaceutical companies (R&D) like Janssen Pharmaceutica (Johnson & Johnson), Lundbeck, Pfizer, UCB, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Recordati and Ratiopharm.
PI PharmaImage is currently involved in two national and international research consortia: Nicotine – Molecular and Physiological Mechanisms in CNS (funded by the DFG: www.nicotine-research.com) and the EU-funded BioCog consortium: Biomarker Development for Postoperative Cognitive Impairment in the Elderly (www.biocog.eu). This includes a strategic alliance of PI PharmaImage with the Charité University Medicine Berlin as well as other renowned academic institutions like the Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medinine (MDC) of the Helmholtz Association, the Cambridge University, University of Utrecht and Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (Bioinformatics) among others as well as private partners like Atlas, Immundiagnostik, Cellulogic and Alta.
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